Resources | Amazing Home Care

More Carriers.
More Coverage.

In addition to most long-term care programs, we accept a number of insurance carriers as well as private pay:

Accepted Insurances

Patient and
family information

Am I eligible
for CHHA services?

If you meet one or more of the following
criteria, you may qualify:

  • You were recently discharged from an inpatient facility
  • You have received a new diagnosis
  • You have been prescribed a new medication or change in dosage
  • You have experienced a recent fall
  • You require advanced wound care
  • You require injectables
  • You have experienced a change in existing condition

Am I eligible for
Medicare CHHA Services?

You may qualify if you:

  • Are you confined to the home
  • You require skilled services
  • Are you currently under the care of a physician
  • You receive services under a plan of care established and reviewed by a physician
  • You have had a face-to-face encounter within 90 days prior to SOC or within 30 days after SOC for a current diagnosis (with a physician or qualifying non-physician practitioner)

Do I qualify for
Homebound Status?

Medicare considers you homebound*
under the following criteria:

Criteria #1

One standard must be met

  • Because of your illness or injury, you require the aid of supportive devices such as crutches, canes, wheelchairs or walkers; the use of special transportation; or the assistance of another person to leave your place of residence
  • You have a condition where leaving home is medically contraindicated

Criteria #2

Both standards must be met

  • There must exist a normal inability to leave the home
  • Leaving the home must require considerable and taxing effort

*The patient may be considered “homebound” or confined to the home if absences from the home are infrequent and relatively short in duration; for medical appointments/treatments; for religious services; to attend adult day care programs (Medical Model).

Still not sure if you qualify?